Kingston & Leatherhead

About The Branch

The Kingston and Leatherhead Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) is one of around 200 CAMRA across the UK engaged in local campaigning and social activities to promote real ale and support the pubs that sell it. The branch was formed in 1975 and covers an area bounded by, but including, Kingston, Kingston Vale, New Malden, Worcester Park Station, Stoneleigh, Epsom Downs, Headley, Mickleham, Bookham, Cobham, Weybridge, Walton on Thames and the south bank of the River Thames. We currently have over 1000 branch members.

Any CAMRA member may become a member of the Kingston & Leatherhead Branch, whether or not they live inside the Branch area. New members residing within the branch area or members moving into the branch area will become branch members by default unless they request otherwise.

Branch campaigning is focused mainly on publicising the merits of real ale and protecting traditional cask ale pubs that are increasingly under threat. More information on our campaigning activities can be found on the Campaigning for Pubs and Real Ale page

We maintain an active programme of meetings and social activities, which all members are welcome to participate in. We also run an annual beer festival, currently held each May in the Kingston Workmens Club. Check the Branch Diary. for details of all our forthcoming events and meetings,

The Branch is run by a Committee of around ten members who are elected annually. A list of the committee positions and current holders can be found on the Contacts page. The Committee is responsible to the National Executive (NE) of CAMRA via a Regional Director. Committee meetings are kept to a minimum and all business is usually discussed at branch business meetings, which are open to all branch members.

About The Branch Contacts Branch Vacancies Campaigning for Pubs and Real Ale Meetings and Social Events
Beer Quality Scoring and the Good Beer Guide Beer Festival Volunteering Other Ways You Can Help