Kingston & Leatherhead

Meetings and Social Events

The branch maintains an active programme of business and social activities that are open to all members. We also run an annual beer festival, currently held each May in the Kingston Workmens Club. These events are an excellent way to meet other members and learn more about our campaigning activities, so do try to join us if you can.

Check the Branch Diary for details of all our forthcoming events and meetings. You can also find details of future socials on our Branch Facebook page and in London Drinker magazine. These will tell you whom to contact if you need to book places for special events such as brewery trips or coach outings, or if you need any more information

Branch Meetings

Branch Business Meetings are usually held monthly and are where we address our core campaigning issues such as pub protection and exchange news relating to local pubs and breweries. Meetings are held on a midweek evening (Tuesday - Thursday) at selected pubs with suitable meeting rooms and, of course, good real ale. We aim to have at least one meeting in all the main areas of the branch during the year.

All members are welcome to attend and get involved in the discussions. Many and varied topics are discussed at branch business meetings. Inevitably there has to be a bit of structure about these meetings, but there is always a good deal of humour, and we try to be as informal and welcoming as possible. Activity at these meetings is not restricted to business - names are taken for trips and new social events are arranged and publicised. Meetings are well punctuated with beer breaks and there is always time to socialise afterwards.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Branch AGM is normally held in March and its main purposes are to elect a new Committee, to present the annual accounts and to debate any motions. The AGM is the most important meeting in the year and sets the campaigning priorities for the year ahead. If members wish to vote at the Branch AGM they should have their CAMRA membership card with them at the meeting.

Social Events

Two or three times a month we have an informal get-together, mostly in pubs within our Branch area, for a pint or two and a chat. A start time is always shown along with a timed itinerary where more than one venue is involved. All are welcome, whether for the whole event or just to look in along the way.

We recognise that it can be difficult for someone who doesn't yet know us to join in for the first time. We do keep an eye out for newcomers and do our best to make them welcome. Hopefully it is not too difficult for newcomers to find us - we're usually in a group, and often sporting some CAMRA insignia, be it on sweat-shirts or badges. If you are attending an event for the first time you are welcome to let us know you are coming so that we can look out for your - just email us at ku.gro.armac.yerrus@ldnak.

On some occasions, socials are run jointly with neighbouring branches and if you happen to be in another branch area at any time you are welcome to look up their events and attend. Details of other branches’ events can be found online here.

Other social events organised by the branch include coach trips to pubs or breweries, barbecues and an annual Christmas meal. Social events are open to all, including members, their friends and acquaintances. We encourage anyone interested in pubs and real ale to come along, whether or not they are interested in joining CAMRA. Note however that places on coach trips are often limited, so bookings are taken on a first-come first-served basis.