Kingston & Leatherhead

Pub of the Year Process

Initial Shortlisting

The Kingston & Leatherhead Branch, Pub of the Year selection process is tied in with Good Beer Guide entry selection (

Any pub on the shortlist for entry into the Good Beer Guide can be considered as a candidate for Pub of the Year and will be listed on one of two Good Beer Guide selection voting forms, one for the Surrey part of our area (boroughs of Epsom & Ewell, part of Mole Valley and Elmbridge) and one for the Greater London part (Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames).


Postal votes are invited from the time of the Branch AGM in February and these are fed into the Good Beer Guide selection meeting in late February or very early March. Those at the selection meeting also fill in a voting form on the night. Everyone participating has one vote for their Pub of the Year in each of the two areas.


The three pubs that get the most votes in each area are then judged by three separate people using the national criteria points being allocated to each of the 6 listed categories and a weighted aggregate used to determine the winner. The two winners are then declared as our joint Pubs of the Year.