Kingston & Leatherhead

Keeping in Touch

Email and Social Media

The Branch sends regular updates on our activities to members by email, so please ensure we have your current email address and that you have opted in to receive branch communications. You can check this by logging in to the CAMRA Members Website,, where you can update your personal details and check your communication preferences by clicking on the “marketing preferences” link on the left-hand side of the page. To log in you will need your membership number and password. If you have not yet set a password or have forgotten it, just click the “reset password” link to create a new one.

The branch also has a email discussion group, which is used to share information over the Internet such as pub news and beer related events in and around our area. Details of branch activities are also circulated via this group. Over 60 members have subscribed to this free service so far. To join the group, send an email to oi.spuorg@ebircsbus+armacldnak.

We also have an active group on Facebook, as well as on Twitter,


Another way to keep up with branch news and activities is through CAMRA’s What’s Brewing newspaper, which is available as an online news portal, and a quarterly insert in “Beer” magazine. There are also two regional CAMRA magazines that cover the branch area.

London Drinker is the magazine of the Greater London Branches of CAMRA, which is issued every other month, and is available free from selected pubs across Greater London. Current and previous issues can also be accessed online here

News and Ale is the magazine of the Surrey/Hants Borders branch of CAMRA which is produced in collaboration with the other Surrey branches, including Kingston and Leatherhead. It is packed full of articles, pub reviews and brewery news along with advertisements for pubs serving real ale in the local area. It is available free from many pubs throughout Surrey and North-East Hampshire. An online version of the magazine can be accessed here.

We also use the local and national media whenever we can get our point across..

You can keep upto date with all the latest pub, club and brewery news from around the branch using our News page.